Results for 'Guy Lamont Mcclung'

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  1. Malcolm and Zemach on the definition of memory.Guy Mcclung - 1972 - Dianoia 40:40-44.
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    Shared Cognitive–Emotional–Interactional Platforms: Markers and Conditions for Successful Interdisciplinary Collaborations.Kyoko Sato, Michèle Lamont & Veronica Boix Mansilla - 2016 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 41 (4):571-612.
    Given the growing centrality of interdisciplinarity to scientific research, gaining a better understanding of successful interdisciplinary collaborations has become imperative. Drawing on extensive case studies of nine research networks in the social, natural, and computational sciences, we propose a construct that captures the multidimensional character of such collaborations, that of a shared cognitive–emotional–interactional platform. We demonstrate its value as an integrative lens to examine markers of and conditions for successful interdisciplinary collaborations as defined by researchers involved in these groups. We (...)
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    Responses to inconsistent premisses cannot count as suppression of valid inferences.Guy Politzer & Martin D. S. Braine - 1991 - Cognition 38 (1):103-108.
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    11 Teachers' Personal Epistemologies as Predictors of Support for their Students' Autonomy.Michael Weinstock & Guy Roth - 2011 - In Jo Brownlee, Gregory J. Schraw & Donna Berthelsen (eds.), Personal epistemology and teacher education. New York: Routledge. pp. 61--165.
    Much of the research on teachers’ personal epistemology concerns their learning. Surprisingly little research has looked at how personal epistemologies are related to teachers’ teaching and other aspects of their interactions with students. In this chapter we investigate teachers’ personal epistemologies and the extent to which they predict autonomy-supporting behaviors. Such behaviors have been found to predict positive educational outcomes. 600 students in 21 grade 7 and 8 classrooms were administered surveys regarding two aspects of autonomy support: the extent to (...)
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  5. Prevention, independence, and origin.Guy Rohrbaugh & Louis deRosset - 2006 - Mind 115 (458):375-386.
    A New Route to the Necessity of Origin’ (2004, henceforth ‘NR’), we offered an argument for the thesis that there are necessary connections between material things and their material origins. Much of the philosophical interest lay in our claim that the argument did not depend on so-called sufficiency principles for crossworld identity. It has been the verdict of much recent work on the necessity of origin that valid arguments for the thesis require some such sufficiency principle as a premise but (...)
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    Inner Achievement.Guy Rohrbaugh - 2015 - Erkenntnis 80 (6):1191-1204.
    The appealing idea that knowledge is best understood as a kind of achievement faces significant criticisms, among them Matthew Chrisman’s charge that the whole project rests on a kind of ontological category mistake. Chrisman argues that while knowledge and belief are states, the kind of normativity found in, for example, Sosa’s famous ‘Triple-A’ structure of assessment is only applicable to performances, end-directed events that unfold over time, and never to states. What is overlooked, both by Chrisman and those he criticizes, (...)
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    Psychologism and Completeness in the Arts.Guy Rohrbaugh - 2017 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 75 (2):131-141.
    When is an artwork complete? Most hold that the correct answer to this question is psychological in nature. A work is said to be complete just in case the artist regards it as complete or is appropriately disposed to act as if he or she did. Even though this view seems strongly supported by metaphysical, epistemological, and normative considerations, this article argues that such psychologism about completeness is mistaken, fundamentally, because it cannot make sense of the artist's own perspective on (...)
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  8. Reasoning with conditionals.Guy Politzer - 2007 - Topoi 26 (1):79-95.
    This paper reviews the psychological investigation of reasoning with conditionals, putting an emphasis on recent work. In the first part, a few methodological remarks are presented. In the second part, the main theories of deductive reasoning (mental rules, mental models, and the probabilistic approach) are considered in turn; their content is summarised and the semantics they assume for if and the way they explain formal conditional reasoning are discussed, in particular in the light of experimental work on the probability of (...)
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  9. Embodied Conceivability: How to Keep the Phenomenal Concept Strategy Grounded.Guy Dove & Andreas Elpidorou - 2016 - Mind and Language 31 (5):580-611.
    The Phenomenal Concept Strategy offers the physicalist perhaps the most promising means of explaining why the connection between mental facts and physical facts appears to be contingent even though it is not. In this article, we show that the large body of evidence suggesting that our concepts are often embodied and grounded in sensorimotor systems speaks against standard forms of the PCS. We argue, nevertheless, that it is possible to formulate a novel version of the PCS that is thoroughly in (...)
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  10. Dm mrcp.Ken J. Gilhooly, Guy Groen, Alan Lesgold, Lorenzo Magnani, Gianpaolo Molino, Spyridan D. Moulopoulos, Vimla L. Patel, Henk G. Schmidt & Edward H. Shortliffe - 1992 - In David Andreoff Evans & Vimla L. Patel (eds.), Advanced Models of Cognition for Medical Training and Practice. Springer. pp. 369.
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  11. Belief revision and uncertain reasoning.Guy Politzer & Laure Carles - 2001 - Thinking and Reasoning 7 (3):217 – 234.
    When a new piece of information contradicts a currently held belief, one has to modify the set of beliefs in order to restore its consistency. In the case where it is necessary to give up a belief, some of them are less likely to be abandoned than others. The concept of epistemic entrenchment is used by some AI approaches to explain this fact based on formal properties of the belief set (e.g., transitivity). Two experiments were designed to test the hypothesis (...)
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    Psychologism about Artistic Plans: Reply to Cray.Guy Rohrbaugh - 2018 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 76 (1):105-107.
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  13. Non-identity, self-defeat, and attitudes to future children.Guy Kahane - 2009 - Philosophical Studies 145 (2):193-214.
    Although most people believe that it is morally wrong to intentionally create children who have an impairment, it is widely held that we cannot criticize such procreative choices unless we find a solution to Parfit’s non-identity problem. I argue that we can. Jonathan Glover has recently argued that, in certain circumstances, such choices would be self-defeating even if morally permissible. I argue that although the scope of Glover’s argument is too limited, it nevertheless directs attention to a moral defect in (...)
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    Jacques Rivelaygue.Guy Basset - 2005 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 2 (2):267-270.
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    A Natural Approach to Philosophy.Lewis Guy Rohrbaugh - 2012 - Noble & Noble.
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    Two Varieties of Conditionals and Two Kinds of Defeaters Help Reveal Two Fundamental Types of Reasoning.Politzer Guy & Bonnefon Jean-Francois - 2006 - Mind and Language 21 (4):484-503.
    Two notions from philosophical logic and linguistics are brought together and applied to the psychological study of defeasible conditional reasoning. The distinction between disabling conditions and alternative causes is shown to be a special case of Pollock’s (1987) distinction between ‘rebutting’ and ‘undercutting’ defeaters. ‘Inferential’ conditionals are shown to come in two varieties, one that is sensitive to rebutters, the other to undercutters. It is thus predicted and demonstrated in two experiments that the type of inferential conditional used as the (...)
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    Two Varieties of Conditionals and Two Kinds of Defeaters Help Reveal Two Fundamental Types of Reasoning.Guy Politzer & Jean-françois Bonnefon - 2006 - Mind and Language 21 (4):484-503.
    Two notions from philosophical logic and linguistics are brought together and applied to the psychological study of defeasible conditional reasoning. The distinction between disabling conditions and alternative causes is shown to be a special case of Pollock’s (1987) distinction between ‘rebutting’ and ‘undercutting’ defeaters. ‘Inferential’ conditionals are shown to come in two varieties, one that is sensitive to rebutters, the other to undercutters. It is thus predicted and demonstrated in two experiments that the type of inferential conditional used as the (...)
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  18. Rickert's value theory and the foundations of Weber's methodology.Guy Oakes - 1988 - Sociological Theory 6 (1):38-51.
    The general area of this essay is an issue left unexplored by the tradition of commentary on Rickert's philosophy and Weber's methodology: the question of the relationship between Rickert's value theory and the validity of Weber's methodological positions. Within this area, the essay focuses on the question of the relationship between Rickert's analysis of the problem of the objectivity of values and Weber's conception of the objectivity of the cultural sciences. The thesis defended is that a solution to Weber's problem (...)
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    Improved Identification of Complex Temporal Systems with Dynamic Recurrent Neural Networks. Application to the Identification of Electromyography and Human Arm Trajectory Relationship.Jean-Philippe Draye, Guy Cheron & Marc Bourgeois - 1997 - Journal of Intelligent Systems 7 (1-2):83-102.
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    Problématiques du religieux dans la littérature de science-fiction.Jean-Guy Nadeau - 2001 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 57 (1):95-107.
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    Aristotle's animals in the Middle Ages and Renaissance.Carlos G. Steel, Guy Guldentops & Pieter Beullens (eds.) - 1999 - Leuven, Belgium: Leuven University Press.
    Aristotle's zoological writings with their wealth of detailed investigations on diverse species of animals have fascinated medieval and Renaissance culture. This volume explores how these texts have been read in various traditions (Arabic, Hebrew, Latin), and how they have been incorporated in different genres (in philosophical and scientific treatises, in florilegia and encyclopedias, in theological symbolism, in moral allegories, and in manuscript illustrations). This multidisciplinary and multilinguistic approach highlights substantial aspects of Aristotle's animals.
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    Ouvertures.Lise Pelletier & Guy Bouchard - 1988 - Québec : Goupe de recherches en analyses des discours, Université Laval [1988?].
    Dans cet ouvrage collectif, l'article de Guy Bouchard intitulé "Féminisme, utopie, philosophie" offre d'abord une définition du féminisme et de ses tendances. Il examine ensuite les liens entre le féminisme et la philosophie, laquelle, historiquement, s'est révélée dans l'ensemble à la fois masculine et masculinise. Finalement, il explore les rapports du féminisme à l'hétéropolitique, c'est-à-dire au thème de la société idéalisée soit sur le mode de la fiction (utopie), soit sur celui de la discursivité théorique (para-utopie), afin de faire ressortir (...)
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    The Interpretation of Classically Quantified Sentences: A Set‐Theoretic Approach.Guy Politzer, Jean‐Baptiste Henst, Claire Delle Luche & Ira A. Noveck - 2006 - Cognitive Science 30 (4):691-723.
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    F. R. Leavis, Science, and the Abiding Crisis of Modern Civilization.Guy Ortolano - 2005 - History of Science 43 (2):161-185.
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    How to tell your friends from machines.Guy Robinson - 1972 - Mind 81 (324):504-518.
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    What lies outside language?Guy Robinson - 2000 - Philosophical Investigations 23 (4):279–291.
    The paper aims to make out the incoherence of the distinction between and rigid separation of ‘the linguistic’ and ‘the extra‐linguistic’ as well as to absolve Wittgenstein from any commitment to it. Insistence on a descent from the abstract to a concrete discussion allows a connection to be made between Tractatus positions such as: ‘The limits of my language indicate the limits of my world.’ and ‘The world and life are one.’ and the Investigations: ‘What has to be accepted is (...)
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  27. Solving natural syllogisms.Guy Politzer - 2011 - In D. Over K. Manktelow (ed.), The science of reason. Psychology Press. pp. 19-35.
    Natural syllogisms are expressed in terms of classes and properties of the real world. They exploit a categorisation present in semantic memory that provides a class inclusion structure. they are enthymematic and typically occur within a dialogue. Their form is identical to a formal syllogism once the minor premise is made explicit. It is claimed that reasoners routinely execute natural_syllogisms in an effortless manner based on ecthesis, which is primed by the class inclusion structure kept in long term memory.
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    Moral Luck and Liability Lotteries.Guy Sela - 2010 - Res Publica 16 (3):317-331.
    Adversaries of Moral Luck (AMLs) are at pains to explain why wrongdoers are liable to bear burdens (punishment, compensation etc.) which are related to the harm they cause, because the consequences of what we do are a matter of luck. One attempt to solve this problem suggests that wrongdoers who cause more harm are liable to bear a greater burden not because they are more blameworthy but rather because they get the short straw in a liability lottery (represented by the (...)
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    Dancing with robots: acceptability of humanoid companions to reduce loneliness during COVID-19 (and beyond).Guy Moshe Ross - 2024 - AI and Society 39 (5):2557-2568.
    The purpose of this research is to explore the acceptance of social robots as companions. Understanding what affects the acceptance of humanoid companions may give society tools that will help people overcome loneliness throughout pandemics, such as COVID-19 and beyond. Based on regulatory focus theory, it is proposed that there is a relationship between goal-directed motivation and acceptance of robots as companions. The theory of regulatory focus posits that goal-directed behavior is regulated by two motivational systems—promotion and prevention. People with (...)
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    Le rôle de la noblesse dans l’Évolution de la pensÉe constitutionelle pendant la RÉvolution.Guy Chaussinand-Nogaret - 1986 - Revue de Synthèse 107 (1-2):79-92.
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    De la liberté en temps de guerre.Georges Guy-Grand - 1917 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 24 (6):723 - 748.
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  32. L'ontologie de Marx: le problème de l'action, des textes de jeunesse à l'œuvre de maturité.Guy Haarscher - 1980 - Bruxelles, Belgique: Éditions de l'Université de Bruxelles.
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    Prolégomènes à une lecture spéculative de la Phénoménologie de l'esprit de Hegel.Guy Haarscher - 1982 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 139 (139/140):69-94.
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    Tactique et éthique.Guy Haarscher & Robert Marie Legros - 1973 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 106 (4):371-406.
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    The Ethic of Honesty: The Fundamental Rule of Psychoanalysis.M. Guy Thompson - 2004 - Rodopi.
    Rarely do we come across a book that has the force and cogency to provoke us to reevaluate the most fundamental tenets of psychoanalysis. One of the most brilliant psychoanalytic scholars of our time, M. Guy Thompson revolutionizes our understanding of the axiomatic principles upon which psychoanalysis is based. Through a careful exegesis of Freud's texts, he persuasively shows how the fundamental rule of psychoanalysis is not merely a vehicle for free association but, more importantly, a pledge to honesty. Contextualized (...)
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    Un exemple d'utilisation du Minutier central de Paris : la bibliothèque et les instruments scientifiques du physicien Jacques Rohault selon son inventaire après décès.Guy Picolet & Trevor Mcclaughlin - 1976 - Revue d'Histoire des Sciences 29 (1):3-20.
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    Socrates and Plato; A Criticism of A.E. Taylor's Varia Socratica.Guy Cromwell Field & Alfred Edward Taylor - 2008 - Dabney Press.
    Many of the earliest books, particularly those dating back to the 1900s and before, are now extremely scarce and increasingly expensive. We are republishing these classic works in affordable, high quality, modern editions, using the original text and artwork.
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    On with the motley?Guy Freeland & Simon Schaffer - 2001 - Metascience 10 (3):371-385.
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    Saisir la vie à pleine main. Par Jacques Leclercq. Paris, Éditions Casterman, 1961.Guy Gaudreau - 1963 - Dialogue 1 (4):446.
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    La syntechnose de l'argent et de l'écriture.Guy Godin - 1974 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 30 (1):3.
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    Problèmes relatifs à la formation d'une théorie de la monnaie.Guy Godin - 1973 - Dialogue 12 (2):309-317.
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    Beyond averroism and thomism : Henry Bate on the potential and the agent intellect.Guy Guldentops - 2002 - Archives d'Histoire Doctrinale et Littéraire du Moyen Âge 69 (1):115-152.
    Henri Bate de Malines a développé dans son Speculum divinorum une théorie de l’intellect profondément influencée par Averroès et Thomas d’Aquin, mais qui ne peut être considérée ni comme averroïste ni comme thomiste. Dans sa perspective néoplatonicienne, l’intellect agent est la forme immanente et transcendante du corps humain, tandis que l’intellect possible est un étant relatif et privatif.
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    De coniectura quadam prius inaudita: A Brief Note on Cusanus’ Geistphilosophie.Guy Guldentops - 2015 - Bulletin de Philosophie Medievale 57:327-334.
    In Nicolas of Cusa’s De li non aliud, chapter 19, one should read “in prima seu metaphysicali philosophia” instead of “in prima seu mentali philosophia.” This conjectural emendation is required because the identification of ‘first philosophy’ with ‘mental philosophy’ is attested nowhere else. The paper shows that the huge literature on Cusanus’ alleged re-interpretation of metaphysics as Geistphilosophie rests on a copyist’s mistake.
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    Die Kritik des Ägidius von Rom am ‚falschen Gesetz‘ in ihrem philosophie- und theologiehistorischen Kontext.Guy Guldentops - 2014 - In Guy Guldentops & Andreas Speer (eds.), Das Gesetz - the Law - la Loi. De Gruyter. pp. 583-606.
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  45. La science supreme selon Themistius.Guy Guldentops - 2002 - Revue de Philosophie Ancienne 19 (1):99-119.
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  46. Au seuil de la IVe République. Réflexions sur la mystique et l'école républicaines.Georges Guy-Grand - 1948 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 138:496-497.
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    Convergences: Black Feminism and Continental Philosophy.Beverly Guy-Sheftall & George Yancy - 2010 - State University of New York Press.
    Black Feminism and Continental Philosophy in dialogue.
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  48. 7. Error, Guilt, and the Knowledge of God: Questions About Robert Sokolowski's "Christian Distinction".O. Guy Mansini - 2002 - Logos: A Journal of Catholic Thought and Culture 5 (2).
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    Labour as Commodity.Guy Robinson - 1996 - Philosophy 71 (275):129 - 138.
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    Les aspects de la Justice selon Proudhon.Georges Guy-Grand - 1930 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 109:286 - 315.
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